89th Festival: Feast Day

Members of the St Mary of Carmen Society and the St Mary of Carmen Women’s Society attended 8 AM mass this morning to kick off our feast day.

We have an action packed Madonna day on this beautiful Sunday! Our schedule for the day is as follows:

2 PM – Day Procession kicks off from the front of Our Lady’s Church and we will march with our Saint through the streets of Nonantum like we have done every year for 89 years 🤍

4 PM – Rides and Games open at the carnival untill 11 PM

The Madonna will arrive at approximately 5 PM at Pellegrini Park

6 PM – Fabrizia Beer and Wine Garden opens

10 PM – Promptly our night candlelight procession will leave Pellegrini Park as we bring the Madonna back home for the Flight of the Angel and conclusion of our feast, we hope you join us for a few surprises along the route

11 PM – Conclusion of the Festival at Our Lady’s Church for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and Closing of the Feast.

We cannot wait to see you out there today, Buona Festa & Viva La Madonna!